FEB 8, 2023, 7PM

    AMENIA TOWN HALL (rescheduled from Jan. 25)




    We support the development of projects that protect the unique natural and historical resources of Amenia. We support the town’s vision of progress by making changes that will make our town more appealing to first and second-home owners, regional small businesses and tourists.


    We are concerned that the Adaptive Reuse Plan submitted by Troutbeck Holdings, Inc., which includes a nine-phase, six-year expansion of the Troutbeck Inn, is at a scale that does not align with this vision. Troutbeck Holdings is proposing special permission to demolish, renovate and add structures that would increase its footprint by 4x and introduce potentially 700+ daily visitors when at capacity. For an area zoned Rural Residential with a Historic Overlay, these changes that would significantly alter the neighborhood. This scale of influx would require an additional 25,000 gallons of water a day, generate 3 tons of waste a week, overwhelm our roads and emergency services and potentially impact endangered species or species of concern. (Select updates to the plan were submitted to the town in early Jan., following the input from the Dec. 14th planning board meeting but unaddressed concerns remain.)


    We appreciate the historical and cultural significance of the historic Troutbeck and welcome visitors to enjoy its beauty – at a scale that ensures it will be as wild and appealing to generations to come.


    Join us at Amenia Town Hall on March 8th, 2023

    to oppose the Troutbeck Adaptive Reuse plan as proposed: a multi-phase, six-year, 16,000 sq. foot development with capacity for nearly 1000 customers, every day, 24/7.

    We invite all residents, businesses, visitors and neighbors in the region who would benefit from Amenia's progress through thoughtful development, on a scale appropriate for our town of 4000.









    Troutbeck Holdings Inc. has submitted a 483-page Adaptive Reuse Plan to the Amenia town planning board to expand the current 37 room Troutbeck Inn. They seek special permission to increase their square footage by 4x to a 16,000 sq. ft. facility with a capacity of 700+ customers via a nine-phase, six-year development plan requiring special permission to build as the site is currently zoned Rural Residential with a Historic Overlay.


    The development would include the addition of:

    • two 30 room hotels
    • 19 cabins ranging from 700-1000 sq ft.
    • a man-made pond to be drawn from the current aquifer shared by local residents and farmers
    • event space that would increase the capacity of the current 37 room inn to ~700-800 people per day, 24/7 (almost 1/4 of the current 4000 person population of Amenia)
    • staff apartments reserved for managers recruited from NYC and internationally
    • and other structures to be built within a Rural Residential Zone with a Historic Overlay


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    Why Should I Care?

    The Troutbeck Holdings Inc. project would introduce 700+ transient customers to an area with 4400 residents. It would create a disproportionate additional demand on existing water resources, our narrow country roads and put additional load on our existing EMS services and volunteer fire department who are already bravely supporting local residents.


    The Troutbeck Holdings application forecasts six years of construction, beginning Jan 2023 through Nov 2029. Their application states that during construction, the area can expect noise five days a week Mon-Fri - with associated large vehicle traffic and pollution impacting the area.


    After construction the project would draw ~25,000 gallons of water a day from the aquifer shared by local residents and farmers.


    The project would generate 3 tons of solid waste a week to be trucked to Dutchess County Resource Recovery (8 tons of waste per week during construction).


    At least two endangered species (timber rattlesnake and bog turtle) and one species of concern (Northeast cottontail) could be impacted.


    The building site would pave and construct new structures in a Rural Residential zone with a Historic Overlay. 


    This large-scale development would forever alter the open fields, tall trees and streams cited by W.E.B Dubois as facilitating discussions between key leaders of the NAACP and decrease appeal to tourists around the area who visit for its wild nature, historic significance and beauty unique to this special site in Amenia.


    The above details are based in on the Troutbeck Holdings application to the Amenia Town Board which was submitted to the town in 2021 or prior; it was made known to the public in October 2022.


    https://ameniany.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Troutbeck-Planning-Board-Application.pdf Summary maps may be found on pages 1-6, with additional description on page 40.


    * Following the views expressed by the public in the planning board meeting on Dec. 14th, Troutbeck Holdings and its owner have proposed refinements to their plan. It remains unclear how remaining concerns will be addrssed. Their additional application materials were submitted around January 9th and may be found here: https://ameniany.gov/planning-board-agendas-and-resolutions/ *


    Any public response in the form of letters or emails to jwestfall@ameniany.gov regarding these or any other proposals from the developer are due to the Amenia Planning Board by Jan. 20th, in advance of the next in-person Planning Board meeting on Jan. 25th. **Rescheduled to Feb. 8th.**


    To find out how next steps will impact your town, your neighbors, your businesses, please attend the next meeting at Amenia Town Hall on Feb. 8th, 2023.



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    Amenia Residents Deserve True Progress

    We support the development of appropriately-scaled projects that enhance the unique natural appeal of Amenia and contribute to progress by directly benefiting our community: infrastructure that supports our our residents, visitors, businesses and their needs. We support improvements within downtown Amenia to draw visitors to our local businesses and town in a way that benefits the entire community of residents and local business owners.


    We do not support inappropriately scaled developments that strain already limited natural resources and habitats that may be additionally vulnerable due to future weather events (such as drought or drought watch conditions as the town experienced this year).

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    Amenia Residents Want to Stand with Our Planning Board

    We support a board that protects residents, neighboring businesses and the natural beauty of Amenia. We support a board that seeks to maintain the historical integrity of sites like Troutbeck that are unique to our town.


    We support a board that does not allow out-of-scale developments that forever alter our forests, fields and farmlands in a way that may make Amenia less attractive to potential first and second homeowners, future businesses and tourists.


    We support a board that recognizes that gentrification for the benefit of a single corporation should not be masked as progress for all Amenia residents.

  • "How appropriate that so tremendous a thing should have taken place in the midst of so much quiet and beauty there at the Troutbeck...a place of poets and fishermen, of dreamers and farmers a place far apart and away from the bustle of the world and the centers of activity"

    — W.E.B. DuBois, "The Amenia Conference: An Historic Negro Gathering," Troutbeck Leaflets No. 8, (Troutbeck Press, 1925)

  • Contact

    Feel free to contact us with any questions.